EMF Safety, RF Testing
NARDA IDA Interference & Direction Analyzer
Even detects a weak signal next to a strong signal
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The Narda IDA identifies & locates RF Signals & Interferences (Interferenz – HF Störungen) from 9kHz – 6GHz. It detects easely signals behind other signals (i.e. a interferring DECT phone signal in a LTE updload). The IDA runs a excellent signal selectivity – in other words it detects a weak signal next to a very strong signal very easy. Thanks to double compass and GPS it locates and displays the geographical location of the RF interferrer.
The IDA Faetures:
- Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6 GHz
- High Resolution Spectrogramm – ensuring detection of shortest pulses and unique presentation of time relationship between user & interferer signals
- Unique I/Q Analysis – 32 MHz Channel Bandwidth of Receiver / 250k I/Q trace data
- Lowest Noise Factor (NF) – 6 dB better sensitivity, means factor 2 of (more far) distance and factor 4 of covered (surveilled) area
- Direction Finding and Mapping – GIS (grafical info. system) presentation ensuring situational awareness: Anywhere & Anytime
- Ergonomic Design – light and easy to carrie
- Bright Display – even readable in sunlight
- Battery-powered – hot-swappable, rechargeable batteries
Narda IDA2 Datasheet EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.
Narda IDA 2 Brochure EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.
Narda IDA 2 Technical Note TN 100 EN Horizontal Scan Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.

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