VIAVI ATB 7300 NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set Produktbild

EMF Safety, RF Testing

VIAVI ATB-7300NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set

Next Generation Update to the ATB-7300 NAV/COM Test System

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Bench Top Signal Generator for OEMs and MRO Return-to-Service to confirm the performance of FM, ILS LOC and GS, VOR, ADF and Marker Beacon.

The ATB-7300NG Navigation Test Set is based on the new VIAVI AXIe Avionics Test Bench (ATB) platform. The ATB platform is a powerful cutting-edge design tailored to end users from OEMs to repair shops that can be used for all phases of the avionics lifecycle: product development, design verification and validation, certification, manufacturing, return-to-service, and service/calibration.

Key Features:

  • Legacy command set compatibility offered for the following products: NAV-2000R, ATN-7300 and the Collins 479S-6A
  • Ethernet remote control interface offered on the ATB-7300NG
  • VHF Generator – Provides control of modulation frequency, modulation depth (up to 3 sources), SELCAL tones, frequency and tone sequences.
  • ILS/Localizer Generator – Provides control of 90 Hz and 150 Hz tone frequencies, modulation depths, left/right DDM and IDENT settings, including Morse code.
  • ILS Glide Slope Generator – Provides control of 90 Hz and 150 Hz tone frequencies, modulation depths, up/down DDM
  • VOR Generator – Provides control of 30 Hz Var/Ref and 9960 Hz tone frequencies, modulation depths, 9960 Hz deviation, VOR bearing, to/from and IDENT settings
  • ADF Generator – Provides control of modulation frequency, modulation depth and IDENT settings
  • Marker/Beacon Generator – Provides selection of Outer, Middle and Inner marker beacon tones and control of tone frequencies, modulation depth and IDENT settings
  • Basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows access to test features

For Testing:

  • VHF Generator
  • ILS/LOC Generator
  • ILS Glide Slope Generator
  • VOR Generator
  • ADF Generator
  • Market/Beacon Generator
VIAVI ATB-7300NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set
VIAVI ATB-7300NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set

ATB-7300NG Avionics

VIAVI ATB-7300NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set
VIAVI ATB-7300NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set


VIAVI ATB 7300 NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set Brochure EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.

VIAVI ATB 7200 NG Avionics NAV Bench Test Set Datasheet EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.

Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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