Bird Antenna Cable Monitor Produktebild

EMF Safety, RF Testing

Bird Antenna & Cable Monitor

Monitoring Transmission and Antenna Systems 24/7 and allerts if fault appears

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Produkt anfragen

The ACM Antenna & Cable Monitor is monitoring your transmission and antenna system 24hrs 7 days a week and allerts the user if a cable or antenna fault appears. It is designed to detec failures that normally a internal VSWR monitor of a transmission system is not able to detect. The ACM measures also the in-line power.

Product Features

  • Monitors and Measures accurately the VSWR and Power
  • Allerts the user if a cable or antenna failure occurs
  • Avoids fals alarms when a transmitter (radio) is not keyed with a standard Push-to-Talk function
  • Ethernet or Serial Interface connection
Bird Antenna & Cable Monitor
Bird Antenna & Cable Monitor


Bird Antenna and Cable Monitor ACM Series Datasheet EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.

Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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