Bird Wideband Power Sensor Produktebild

EMF Safety, RF Testing

Bird Wideband Power Sensor

Measures Forward and Reflected True Average Power and VSWR

Let us know your challenge and together we will find the perfect solution for you. Our experts will be happy to help you.

Produkt anfragen

Bird 7020 Series Power Sensor Datasheet ENOur Power Sensors cover a wide frequency range. They measure Forward and Reflected True Average Power and VSWR. Designed to thruline measurement no extra coupler are required to measure or monitor the power. Measuring complex signals in wireless system of modern communication systems these signals require diagnostic analsys of the power meter. Our power meter are measuring the percentage of the time when the signal exists. Talk to our specialists about your requirement and our solutions. The read out of our powermeters can be done remotely with ethernet or via the Digital Power Meter Display 5000-XT. This unit is rugged and ideal for engineers and field technicians in outdoor places.

Bird Wideband Power Sensor
Bird Wideband Power Sensor


Bird 7020 Series Power Sensor Datasheet EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.

Bird 7022 Statistical Power Sensor Datasheet EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.

Bird Wideband Power Sensor Datasheet EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.


Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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