Bird Channel Power Monitor Produktebild

EMF Safety, RF Testing

Bird Channel Power Monitor

Assures that communications systems are up and running by monitoring up to 16 radio channels

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Produkt anfragen

The Bird Channel PowerMonitor assures that your communication system uis up and running. It monitors the heath of each component in your rdaio transmission system. The maintenance and system check of the radio system (i.e. like a Tetra, Tetrapol, DMR Network etc) will become easier and it reduces your costs as well as it increaes the network uptime. Should a event apprear (i.e. failing component in your radio network) then the maintenance people will be immediately allertet.

Product Features

  • Monitoring of up to 16 radio channels simultaneously with one Channel Monitor
  • Unlimited expansion of Channel Monitors to cover large systems
  • Build in Web server – allows remote monitoring
  • Measures VSWR, Forward, Reflected and Composite Power
Bird Channel Power Monitor
Bird Channel Power Monitor


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Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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