VIAVI TC 201 TCAS Transponder Directional Antenna Couplers Produktbild


VIAVI TC-201 TCAS/Transponder Directional Antenna Couplers

Combined TCAS and transponder directional antenna couplers for the avionics maintenance industry

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Produkt anfragen

The new VIAVI TC-201A antenna coupler is used when testing TCAS or even combined TCAS and transponder directional antennas.

The coupler shields the antenna from external interference and prevents the aircraft from interacting with the outside.

This allows tests of the TCAS system to be carried out safely without interfering with or disturbing other aircraft in operation.

TC-201A is used with the IFR6000, IFR6015 or APM-424 (V) 5.

VIAVI TC-201 TCAS/Transponder Directional Antenna Couplers
VIAVI TC-201 TCAS/Transponder Directional Antenna Couplers


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Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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