RF signal generation and parametric measurement
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The IFF-45TS Transponder / Interrogator / TACAN Bench Test Set is an RF signal simulator that provides support for AIMS Mark XIIA transponders and interrogators. It operates under remote control from a computer or ATE system and provides versatile signal generation and measurement capability of Mark XIIA system signals in bench and over-the-air applications.
Typical applications include:
- Support for engineering development of Mark XIIA equipment (Mode 5)
- Manufacturing ATE for Mark XIIA equipment
- Support for AIMS 03-1000 and DO-181 certification testing Over-the-air testing of Mark XIIA equipment
- Test range to 3 km with appropriate antennas
- Ramp testing of installed equipment performance
Now with ADS-B Out (DO-260B) test capability.
VIAVI IFF 45 TS MK XIIA and TACAN Bench Test Set Brochure EN

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