VIAVI GPSG 1000 Portable Satellite Simulator Produktbild


VIAVI GPSG-1000 Portable Satellite Simulator

GPS/Galileo Portable Postitional Simulator

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The GPSG1000 GPS Simulator is a portable GPS and Galileo simulator for testing and validating GPS receivers, as well as for checking navigation and GPS tracking.Der GPSG1000 GPS Simulator ist ein portabler GPS und Galileo Simulator für Test und Validierung von GPS Empfängern, sowie für die Überprüfung der Navigation und des GPS Trackings.

  • Create routes and play them through
  • Test the functionality of the RAIM functions (switching satellites on and off)
  • No more repeater, set up coupler and test loss
  • Universal use for aircraft, vehicles, handheld navigation system, etc.
VIAVI GPSG-1000 Portable Satellite Simulator
VIAVI GPSG-1000 Portable Satellite Simulator


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Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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