FLIR identiFINDER® R300
High-Resolution Spectroscopic Personal Radiation Detector
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The Flir identiFINDER R300 is is a pager sized small and personal radiation detector. It is ideal for belt-worn scanning, checkpoints and border patrol.
- The R300 uses a Color display withtransflective technology – easy to see the values also in sunshine
- Detector: CdZnTe (CZT)
- Quantity 3 CZT detectors; 1 used for identification with 3.5% resolution or better
- It is a Solid state detector that does not need calibration or stabilization
- The webINTERFACE allows data download, instrument monitoring and configuration
- It has a Integral GPS with location information incorporated in data files
- Energy range 30 keV – 3 MeV
- Dose rate range of ≤100 nSv/h – 10 mSv/h ±30 %
- Optional Neutron Detector He3
FLIR identi FINDER R300 Datasheet EN Link öffnet in neuem Fenster.

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