INRADIOS Communication System Monitoring Produktebild

EMF Safety, RF Testing

INRADIOS Communication System Monitoring

Signal Analyse Software for Signal Monitoring

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Produkt anfragen

Signal Analyse Software zur Überwachung der drahtlosen Kommunikationsinfrastruktur

Spectrum Monitoring and Signal Analysis Software for advanced RF Signal Detection and Classification. The software is used also for Signal Monitoring with automatic Alarm function. The use Power Monitoring in user-definable frequency bands is possible. All data may be anylyzed as I/Q data stream via time domain.
Signals may be recorded and replayed.

CSM Features

• Spectrum Monitoring up to 6 GHz
• Classical software-based spectrum analyzer functions
• Advanced signal detection & identification functions
• User defined frequency and power thresholds
• E-mail notification when threshold is exceeded
• Long-term monitoring of defined frequency bands with history logging
• Adaptive graphical user interface & tailored special purpose solutions

INRADIOS Communication System Monitoring
INRADIOS Communication System Monitoring
INRADIOS Spectrum Monitoring
INRADIOS Spectrum Monitoring


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Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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