Cobham E500 Performance and Cabaility Test for Wireless Network Produktebild

EMF Safety, RF Testing

Cobham E500 Performance and Cabaility Test for Wirless Networks

Accurate Diagnose of the Nework Performance

Let us know your challenge and together we will find the perfect solution for you. Our experts will be happy to help you.

Produkt anfragen

The E500 emulates thousands of mobile devices accross multiple cells (base stations) and different radio technologies for performance and capabilty testing.

  • It delivers KPI metrics and measurements allowing accurate diagnose of the network performance
  • Real Data and User traffic profiles enabling end to end traffic
Cobham E500 Performance and Cabaility Test for Wirless Networks
Cobham E500 Performance and Cabaility Test for Wirless Networks

Cobham E500 Performance and Cabaility Test for Wirless Networks
Cobham E500 Performance and Cabaility Test for Wirless Networks


Aeroflex E500 Brochure EN

Daniel Böringer Geschäftsführer Emitec Messtechnik AG

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